Monday, November 17, 2014

"In your eyes the flames of the twilight fought on." -Pablo Neruda

The real K.L. Going visited our school and spoke to my class about her writing career and censorship. Censorship is a huge topic that is often debated in the education system. Censorship is the practice of officially examining books, movies, etc., and suppressing unacceptable parts. Ms. Going had a problem with her book, Fat Kid Rules the World. Apparently, people in the Southern states thought it was unacceptable to have an adolescent look at a waitress with a sexual view for one sentence. Because of that one sentence, the book was banned not only from schools but from book stores too. Currently the book is not banned and will be released for a ten year anniversary, special edition. 

The week of September 22nd was banned books week. Did you know that the following books have been banned?
1. Roll of Thunder Hear My Cry
2. Charlie and The Chocolate Factory
3. The Witches
4. Winnie the Pooh
5.  In Our Mother's House (Patricia Polacco)
6. Draw Me a Star (Eric Carle)
7. Alice's Adventures in Wonderland

What does K.L. Going stand for? 
Her first name is Kelly, therefore her full name is Kelly Going. 

1. Dog in Charge
2. Fat Kid Rules the World
3. Saint Iggy
4. The Garden of Eve
5. The Liberation of Gabriel King (Her personal favorite)

Ms. Going was one of the most humble, well spoken, and passionate authors I have even met. She sold all of her books to my class for a discounted price, and she happily signed them all. We now have a memory to last a life time!

Visit her website to learn more! 
Follow her on twitter!


  1. Lindsay I love all the pictures you took when KL Going came to our school. I did not know that the list of books that you put up were banned! I contacted KL and she is going to come and talk to my class after we read her book The Liberation of Gabriel King!

  2. Lindsay I love that you did a whole blog about each author that came to our class along with fun facts. Really great blog entry. I also was not aware of those banned books, great research!
